Hi I'm Raj! πŸ‘‹

Software Engineer | Flutter | Node.js | Angular | Clean Code | WordPress

I love programing, passionate learner, doing research and collaborating.

I'm a Fullstack App Developer! πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ’»πŸ±β€πŸ’»

First time learning android application development and worked various categories in Code Matrix Lab.

Some project was done previously like All science formula and simple flashlight app.

After that, I'm getting quite interested in Dart languages. And now I'm working cross platform mobile application development.

Also, worked with Angular and node.js for fullstack issue tracker application.

My Experience πŸ’Ό

Fullstack Developer

Working with Angular and nodejs building features for ticketing tools. Build cross platform app using flutter.

Working with this technology:

  • ◾️ Cross platform development (Flutter)
  • ◾️ Angular, TypeScript, NodeJs, ExpressJs, Prisma, Redis, UI/UX etc.
  • ◾️ WordPress

  • ◾️ Testing, ASO, Production

Skills πŸ…

Languages: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, HTML, CSS, C, PHP, Java, Kotlin, Dart

App Development: Flutter, Android

Frameworks and Libraries: Angular, Flask, Django, Bootstrap

Tools: Git, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, XD

How I Learn πŸ“š

Tech Blog & Education Platform

I can learn just about anything by having a final product to tear apart piece by piece. I break the code where i figure out why things work the way they work. Documentation is just a reference.

Coursera/Udemy/edx online course helped me a lot to build strong knowledge.

My Goal 🎯

I'm ready to learn something new. Want to work cross platform application (Flutter) & fullstack developer. I love traveling and i want to share my travel experience

Aside from building small project I would love to enter a position where I can be part of a bigger team and learn from others with more experience that myself.